Sunday, December 23, 2007

My friend Sarah

This is my friend Sarah, Alva as I like to call her. (Sorry for stealing the pic Alva)

I've known Sarah since her freshman year in college when she was 18 or 19 years old. I think more like 19 since if my memory serves me well, she started school late or was held back a year (Alva, you will have to clear that up for me). Anyways, we got a long great. Many nights were shared talking about family issues, love lifes or lack there of. Sometimes we even had drinks although she was never very good at holding her alcohol back then. Our friendship grew as we traveled for races together, chilled at Atherton Hall or the 902 house. Then I graduated. Little by little the phone calls, emails and IM's became less and less frequent. I never thought much about it since I always figured there would be some people I would keep in touch with and others I wouldn't. Time went by and Sarah just slowly faded into the past that was my time at Penn State.

Earlier this year, a friend of Sarah's fired up the conversations again. I won't go into the details but we started talking again. Text messages, IM's and emails became a regular thing. Phone calls would last upwards of an hour. Sarah was back in my life. I realize it might seem weird bringing this up but as my only sibling is my brother, Sarah is in a way like the younger sister I never had. She's grown up a lot since I first met her back in her freshman year. I think that this is an appropriate time to mention her since it is the holidays after all and like I said, I'm extremely grateful she is part of my life again. Alva, I got nothing but love for ya and appreciate all that you've done for me. I hope that we'll remain friends for many years to come.

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